Hypixel Skyblock Dragons Profit Calculator – Google Sheets

Recently, my Co-Op and I have been summoning Dragons in order to see if doing so was profitable. However, looking up the prices of all the items and then calculating our profits every time became tedious. So, I created a spreadsheet that will automatically calculate how much money you earned or lost from a Dragon fight.

The Template Spreadsheet


To use it, all you have to do is go to File > Make a Copy. If that option is grayed out, that means you haven’t logged into your Google Account. Log into that, then click Make a Copy.

If you would like to see my filled copy, then here it is: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PqGn_crUq5jEqt22ZSAgrPPORQwIHFKcEyDHC9dbuPA/edit#gid=1272640382


To use this sheet, fill in the four cells on the left after the dragon fight. Unfortunately, the Hypixel API does not keep track of the loot you get from each dragon fight. You would either have to do that manually, or use a mod that keeps track of your loot. Using this sheet, you don’t have to use any mods.

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Word Finder Template – Google Sheets

Here’s another template that I created in Google Sheets. It’s a word finder template. Basically you can use this to find a word given a specific pattern that it has to follow.

The Template Spreadsheet


To use it, all you have to do is go to File > Make a Copy. If that option is grayed out, that means you haven’t logged into your Google Account. Log into that, then click Make a Copy.


To use this sheet, first you have to set it up by pasting in the words that you want the sheet to search through. You have to paste a comma-separated list into the cells T1 and/or U1 of the DATABASE tab. In the template, I’ve pre-loaded in a bunch of Minecraft words, which you can either add to, or remove and replace with your own set of words.

Google Sheets has a limitation of 50,000 characters in each cell.

To actually use the word finder, head over to the Search tab.

  • Enter the length of the word you want to be found under the box that says “Enter the length of the word (including spaces):”. Once you do that, the section below will update, and the display output will also update.

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Your Guide to Date Functions (Google Sheets/Excel)

In this article, I will list many of the date functions you’ll need to do basic things.

There are a few things you need to know as dates.

Date Values

Each date, for example, October 24, 2018, has an assigned Date Value, which in this case, is 43397. The Date Value’s “0” value is on December 30th, 1899. The Date Value increments by 1 per day, and it can go into the negatives. For example, January 1st, 1800 is -36522. These Date Values will be handy in the future.

However, let’s begin by discussing the format of dates.

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Extracting First, Middle, Last Names (Google Sheets)

Recently, I was given a bunch of people’s full names in a list format. However, I wanted to change it to display their first and last names only. This wouldn’t have been so difficult if the names were given to me in [first middle last] format. However, they were given to me in [last, first middle] format. So, I’ve decided to help anyone who needs these kinds of formulas. I’ll walk you through my thinking process while coming up with these formulas. Note that they might need to be adjusted to suit your own needs. Here is my example document if you’d like to see how I did it, and here is how I set up the spreadsheet:

2 raw name first name middle name last name =D2&” “&F2

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Rounding and Significant Figures in Google Sheets

A little while ago, I decided to use Google Sheets to speed up my physics homework, as I realized that a lot of the questions were very similar, but changed a few of the numbers. I needed to round a number to the correct amount of significant figures in order to receive full credit. To expedite this process and save myself some time, I did some research on rounding in Google Sheets. Here, I’ll share what I’ve learned from Google’s Rounding Article and a few other sources.

Here is the spreadsheet that I created to demonstrate these functions.


Usage and syntax:

=ROUND(value, [places])

ROUND rounds a number to x decimal places.

The round function rounds a number using normal rounding rules. Note that places is in square brackets, meaning that it is an optional argument. “Value” is your input number, and “places” is the decimal place to round. Below is a quick table to help you out with the “places” input when using the round function.

Number 9 2 5 . 8 2 3
Places -2 -1 0 1 2 3

With the round function, you can round to the nearest hundreds by passing in -2 for your “places”, round to the nearest tens using -1, and much more.

Normal rounding rules round up when the digit after the digit you want to round is 5 or more and round down when it is less than 4 or below. For example, =ROUND(55.5, 0) would round up to 56 but =ROUND(55.49,0) would round down to 55.

This brings us to a very similar set of formulas that behave almost exactly like round.

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