Here’s another template that I created in Google Sheets. It’s a word finder template. Basically you can use this to find a word given a specific pattern that it has to follow.
The Template Spreadsheet
To use it, all you have to do is go to File > Make a Copy. If that option is grayed out, that means you haven’t logged into your Google Account. Log into that, then click Make a Copy.
To use this sheet, first you have to set it up by pasting in the words that you want the sheet to search through. You have to paste a comma-separated list into the cells T1 and/or U1 of the DATABASE tab. In the template, I’ve pre-loaded in a bunch of Minecraft words, which you can either add to, or remove and replace with your own set of words.
Google Sheets has a limitation of 50,000 characters in each cell.
To actually use the word finder, head over to the Search tab.
- Enter the length of the word you want to be found under the box that says “Enter the length of the word (including spaces):”. Once you do that, the section below will update, and the display output will also update.